🌟 Application Aware Routing – Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN

AAR in Catalyst SD-WAN allows enterprises to prefer a set or specific underlay Transports over another based on thresholds. So for example an organisation may prefer to route a branch with two transports (LTE and Lease line) but preferring the lease line over LTE. The threshold is measured based on:

✨ Latency ms
🥐 Jitter ms
🍿 Packet loss %

You would configure within the Groups of Interest in SD-WAN Manager initially to determine what the threshold should be. So if an application is experiencing 10% packet loss which breaches the threshold , you can configure to fallback to the LTE for just that specific application and drop everything else. Or alternatively to route all traffic over to LTE transport.

I have attached some screenshots that illustrate how to configure AAR.

Hope this helps! 😁