Tasks getting stuck midway deployment in Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN? 😤

Ever deploying Config-Groups/Templates or Policies and the ‘task’ gets stuck or takes a long time if there was an error midway deploying? Which means you have to wait until the task times out waiting for roll back? 👷‍♂️ 🕵‍♀️

I recently found a way using API’s to stop any tasks midway through deployment. 🙌

You can use the Browser to call the API or use alternative like Postman 📮

1 – https://SD-WAN_Manager_IP:8443/dataservice/device/action/status/tasks and look for the specific task which includes a name of the task being deployed. Something like this…..deploy_config_group-83752a36-bf40-4d67-b32f-aea75845ed8c

2 – Open a new tab and copy the Process id to the following link:

3 – You should then see a return with Success : True.